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Produced by the makers of Cranky Goat
There’s a new cheese brand in town and her name is Mooody (sic) Cow. Bought to you by the talented team behind Cranky Goat, these cheeses are made using Oaklands milk and traditional French techniques. Influenced by their Goat Cheese range you can expect these cheese to be very familiar but slightly different.
The Mooody Cow brand was born out of necessity. Goat milk is seasonal, meaning that Cranky Goat had an empty factory and a team sitting idle for a few months every year, not great for cash flow! Skim milk is used as it is similar in composition to goats and also because Nelson milk producer Oaklands had a surplus. Simon, the cheese maker, makes the round trip to Nelson, from his base in Marlborough to collect the milk very early a couple of times a week. The cheese is sensational so we are glad he does.
We love Sandon, an ash-covered disc with a soft smooth centre and earthy flavours of mushroom and hay. This cheese is a standout cheese on a cheese board with its wonderful shape and size. Can you guess which Cranky Goat cheese this is based on?
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